Property of the artist
Special Thanks to “Tenuta Canto alla Moraia” Rodolfo e Silvia Banci
…clear Apls shine to the spring’ sun, the spines of a time; they dissolve in
the light, and new flowers claim smiles…
Valerio Toninelli was born in Pistoia on February 19, 1951. In the mid- seventies, he took an interest in painting, first with a clear influence of the Tuscan Macchiaioli School, then with figurative experimentation linked to the description of social minorities.
From the early nineties, Toninelli departed from the figurative and delved into abstraction and experimentation. It is in this prolific period that the artist began to use new and different materials, installed and shaped on the canvas in swirling and conscious movements taking on a whole new road linked to sculpture.
Toninelli has been part of many solo and group exhibitions in Italy and all over the world. He has recently captured the interest of major eastern galleries, participating in the International Art Festival in the 798 district in Beijing, paving the way for new and important collaborations.
Property and Courtesy: Valerio Toninelli