Peonies II, 2014
90×70 cm
Peonies I, 2013
80×60 cm
Bees, 2014
80×60 cm
Property of the artist
Curator Toomas Altnurme
Sebbene abbia optato per un altro percorso di carriera, alla fine
ho scoperto un desiderio immortale di dipingere. Sentivo di aver
accumulato ciò che volevo dire sulla tela agli altri. La pittura mi dà la
piena libertà di svelare, di scoprire l’“Io” autentico e per me questo
è uno strumento accattivante di auto-espressione e parola. Natura,
vedute della città, nature morte, varie composizioni e ritratti che mi
piace rappresentare in modo espressionistico concettuale e in modo
astratto, amo dipingere e giocare con i colori. Mi sembra di aver
dipinto tutta la mia vita. Solo all’inizio, non con il pennello, ma con i
miei occhi, pensieri, il mio cuore. Quando dipingo sento mi sento in
libertà e piena armonia con me stessa. Sono così felice che molti dei
miei dipinti si siano diffusi in tutto il mondo.
The painting road started in 2009 in Art Studio “Blue-Yellow”, under
the direction of famous Lithuanian artist Antanas Beinaravicius. In
the year 2014-2017 I studied and finished art at Vilnius Justinas
Vienozinskis Art School. I have already participated in over 20 group
and personal exhibitions, paintings have been exhibited in auctions
in Lithuania and the USA. I am especially glad and proud that I
had the opportunity to exhibit works at the National Museum of
Lithuania (one of the works, at the request of the museum, remained
in their collection), at the Lithuanian Applied Art Museum. My works
are acquired for the collection of famous Lithuanian Trakai and
Medininkai castles.
2010, 2011, 2013
Group Art Exhibition “Blue-Yellow Art Studio”
in Vilnius Juozas Art Gallery
2014 Personal exhibition of paintings
in Vilnius Juozas Art Gallery
2014 Republican exhibition “World-at-home”
at the Lithuanian Museum of Applied Arts and Design
2015 Republican painting exhibition
at the National Museum of Lithuania
2015 Group exhibition of four artists “Visit”
at the Vilnius Juozas Art Gallery
2015 Annual exhibition of Vilnius painters “AR (T) CHYVAS”
in Gallery “Arka”
2015 Residency and exhibition “Art of Heritage”
in Trakai Voke manor
2016 Personal exhibition “Bees and Peonies”
in the restaurant “Ertli House”, St. Jono 7, Vilnius
2016 Personal exhibition at the Lithuanian Energy
Companies Group
2016 International plener in the farmstead “Cranes’ nest”
and exhibition at Skuodas Museum
2016 Vilnius J. Vienožinskis Art School, Adult Department
Students Art Exhibition
2016 Republican exhibition “Golden Wreath”
2017 Residency and exhibition in Medininkai castle